
Divorce Lawyers vs. Divorce Mediators

Divorce Lawyer, Family Lawyer | February 24, 2022 | Written by Crystal Arbour

Divorce is a stressful time for any individual, especially when they are unsure of how to proceed in the legal system when legally ending their relationship with a partner. With so many legal elements to consider and navigate during the divorce process, it is crucial to ensure that you are choosing the right solution. As experts in family law, the team at Linley Welwood knows how complex and stressful divorces and other family disputes can be. That is why we have outlined some information to compare divorce lawyers vs. divorce mediators to help you choose the right solution for your situation.

Read about 5 reasons to mediate your family law dispute.

Divorce Lawyers

Divorce lawyers—also known as family law lawyers— are highly specialized professionals that are experienced in the intricacies of family law and family dispute resolution. They represent individuals in legal issues during their marriage and after their divorce.

Divorce lawyers are responsible for representing individuals facing separation, divorce, or inter-family disputes. A family law lawyer typically works with one party/spouse to work toward a resolution that is in their favour. After an official divorce is granted by the court, family lawyers must assist in enforcing the divorce order through the filing of contempt charges against individuals who do not abide by it. While divorce lawyers can typically deliver faster results and a clear resolution, they are often more expensive than mediators.

What kinds of cases can family lawyers handle?

Divorce Mediators

If you and your spouse want to settle your divorce amicably and are not under any time constraints, a divorce mediator may be the best choice. In mediation, an impartial mediator helps all involved parties reach an agreement that is acceptable for everyone.

What is mediation?

The mediator helps the parties talk through various issues in a way that makes it easier for the couple to settle the dispute themselves. It should be noted that mediators do not make decisions or offer legal advice. A mediator can provide relevant facts but cannot offer advice to direct a party toward a certain resolution. A skilled mediator will help couples work together to find a solution on their own. While mediation is typically a much longer process than divorce litigation, it typically costs less and can help to preserve the relationship between both parties. This is invaluable if children are involved in the divorce.

Find out if mediation agreements legally binding.

To learn more about our family law solutions or to discuss the details of your divorce, get in touch with the team at Linley Welwood. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services or your situation.

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