How to Handle an Injury at Work
If you are injured while at work, it is likely that you are eligible for workers compensation. Different types of jobs pose varied risks and it is important to know how to handle an injury at work so that you can ensure that you are compensated for any lost wages due to your injury. At Linley Welwood, we know how important it is to handle your injury properly in order to receive proper compensation from WCB and, if necessary, prepare for a personal injury lawsuit. If you have been injured at work, it is important to talk to a lawyer who specializes in employment law and who can advise you on the best course of action to take.
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What to do if You are Injured at Work
British Columbia’s Workers Compensation Act essentially ensures that, if a worker is harmed while on the job and they suffer a loss of income, they are entitled to some measure of compensation. This process takes place through WorkSafeBC.
In British Columbia, there is a restriction against filing lawsuits against other workers or employers for workplace injuries which means that, even if somebody else was at fault, WorkSafeBC is the only option for compensation. If there are other circumstances involved, it is best to discuss the best course of action for compensation or a lawsuit with a personal injury lawyer.
If you are injured at work, the best course of action to take is as follows:
1. Notify First Aid and Supervisors
The very first thing that should be done if an injury takes place at work is to notify the company’s first aid attendant and seek proper care. If the injury is serious enough to merit turning into a workers compensation case, the first aid attendant should usually recommend that the worker see a doctor.
2. Write an Incident Report
It is incredibly important to get a written record of the incident and injuries sustained. Incident reports typically also include details about damages to property, any non-worker personnel onsite during the incident, and witnesses. Incident reports are usually handled by supervisors or first aid attendants.
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3. Seek Legal Advice
Before doing anything else, it is important to talk to a lawyer about your options. In most cases, the answer will be to file a claim with WorkSafeBC, but it is best to know all of your options in order to ensure the best possible outcome.
4. File a Claim
The employer is responsible to report the injury to WorkSafeBC, which will then follow up with the employer, the employee, and their healthcare provider. This system can take some time, so it is best to prepare to be patient.
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If you have been injured while on the job or you feel like you need to talk to somebody with legal knowledge about how to handle an injury at work, or if you would like to learn more about any of our legal services, please contact Linley Welwood at 604-850-6640 or by filling out a contact form on our website.