Personal Injury Lawyer Tips: Questions to Ask Before Hiring
These personal injury lawyer tips on questions to ask before hiring an attorney are designed to help you choose the right lawyer for your specific needs. At Linley Welwood, we understand how important it is to hire the right personal injury lawyer for your case. That is why our lawyers are trained and equipped to handle a wide range of different personal injury cases.
Learn how to choose the best personal injury lawyer for your needs.
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer
Before settling on an Abbotsford personal injury lawyer for your case, consider asking the following questions:
1. What Area of Law do You Specialize in?
While the lawyer you are looking at hiring may be a personal injury lawyer, it is still a good idea to ask if they have dealt with your type of case before. Doing so will give you peace of mind that they are properly equipped to handle your case and get you the best settlement possible.
2. What is the Contingency Fee?
Most personal injury lawyers tend to work off of a contingency fee agreement, which means that they only get paid if you do. In some cases, the contingency fee may be negotiable, ranging between 25-40%. Keep in mind that, as the case progresses, the lawyer may also pay for any medical expenses, which will later be repaid from your compensation.
What are the main benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer?
3. Who Will Be Handling My Case?
Since many personal injury lawyers do not handle every single part of a client’s case, it is important to find out if they will be working with a legal secretary, paralegal, or junior associate during the process. This will give you a better idea of who you should be in contact with and who will be handling the majority of your case.
4. How Much Courtroom Experience Do You Have?
It is important to note that most civil cases do not actually make it to trial; therefore, even an experienced personal injury lawyer may have only handled a few cases that have made it to verdict. Consider asking how much trial experience the lawyer has in order to eliminate any extra stress in the event that your case goes to trial, as well as to give you a better idea of how your lawyer will handle your case if there is a chance of going to trial.
What other questions should you ask before hiring a personal injury lawyer?
If you would like to learn more personal injury lawyer tips on questions to ask before hiring an attorney, or if you are interested in one of our legal services for car accidents, business law, family law, real estate, serious injuries, and wills, estates, and trusts, please contact Linley Welwood at 604-850-6640 or by filling out a contact form on our website.