
Real Estate Law: Why You Need a Lawyer When Buying a Home

Real Estate Lawyer | September 27, 2018

While it is possible to purchase a home without the aid of a real estate lawyer, having an advocate who is familiar with the legal system can save time, money, and a lot of personal headache. At Linley Welwood, we know that buying a home is the biggest investment that most people make in their lifetime and that hiring a real estate lawyer when buying a home can help to ensure that the purchase is not a mistake. That is why our team of real estate lawyers are dedicated to helping new homeowners purchase the right home for their specific needs.

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The Purpose of a Real Estate Lawyer

A real estate lawyer ensures that the property being purchased is legitimate and that the sale is valid, taking some of the stress out of purchasing a new home. Real estate lawyers can also handle litigation and detail work to ensure that their client is protected and gets the best possible deal.

Learn more about when you should hire a real estate lawyer.

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer When Buying a Home

Some of the main benefits of hiring a real estate lawyer when buying a home include:


If things get messy, having somebody who is trained to handle litigation and legal disputes can help tip the scales in the homebuyer’s favour. If mishandled by an untrained eye, details in the transaction can be misrepresented. A real estate lawyer can ensure that all details in a purchase are properly handled, protecting the buyer from paying more money or wasting time due to a mistake on a document. A lawyer knows what rights are accorded to a buyer and can advocate for those rights in a dispute or negotiation. Real estate lawyers also know when signing a legal contract is beneficial and when it hurts the buyer’s position.

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Saving Money and Time

If there is money to be saved in a home purchase, a real estate lawyer can find it. While many might think that hiring a notary instead of a lawyer will save them money, the opposite is often true. While a notary can help with the purchase of a new home, real estate lawyers can ensure that no fees or payments are forgotten, saving the buyer time by taking care of detailed paperwork and legal jargon filled documents.

When it comes to the enormous task of purchasing a home, small mistakes and mishandled details can add up, leading to major headaches further down the road. To save money and ensure a smooth purchase that does not plague the buyer for years, it is worth looking into hiring an experienced real estate lawyer. If you would like to learn more about why you need a real estate lawyer when buying a home, or if you are interested in one of our legal services for car accidents, business law, family law, real estate, serious injuries, and wills, estates, and trusts, please contact Linley Welwood at 604-850-6640 or by filling out a contact form on our website.

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