What are my Legal Rights as a Commission-Based Sales Employee?
Commission-based salespeople are employees that are paid on a commission or incentive basis. In British Columbia, these employees may be paid entirely by commission or a combination of salary and incentives. To ensure fair compensation, you must understand what your legal rights as a commission-based sales employee are. To ensure that you understand your rights and payment requirements, our employment lawyers at Linley Welwood have provided some important information.
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Legal Rights of a Commission-Based Sales Employee
Before discussing the legal rights of commission-based employees, it should be noted that certain employees are excluded from various requirements of the Employment Standards Act (the “ESA”). These employees include:
- Individuals that sell, or sell a lease arrangement for heavy industrial equipment, agricultural equipment, sailing vessels, or motor vessels. These employees are excluded from the minimum wage, overtime, and statutory holiday requirements of the ESA.
- Individuals that sell, or sell a lease arrangement for automobiles, trucks, recreational vehicles, and campers. These employees are excluded from statutory holiday provisions of the ESA. For truck and automobile salespeople, they are excluded from the statutory holiday provisions of the ESA if their employer pays 4% of their gross earnings on every paycheque in place of statutory holiday pay.
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Minimum Wage
Commission-based employees must receive wages at least twice per month. These payments must be equal to their commission earnings or minimum wage, whichever is greater. For example, if a salesperson only makes $1,000 in commission for an 80-hour pay period, this pay will increase to what they would earn working 80 hours at minimum wage.
Vacation Pay
Commission-based employees must take annual vacation and receive annual vacation pay in the same manner as other employees. Their vacation pay must be paid on all commissions earned and must be indicated on each pay statement.
Some commission-based employees receive an advance on commissions for each pay period. If commissions for the pay period exceed this advance, the employee is entitled to the difference. If the commissions for the pay period are less than the advance amount, the employee is entitled to be paid minimum wage for their hours worked.
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Payment Offsets
Commissions earned during one pay period cannot be used to offset earnings during another pay period. For example, if a salesperson earns a commission of $5,000 during a pay period at the start of the month but does not sell anything for the rest of the month, they will earn minimum wage for the second pay period.
Costs of Doing Business
Commission-based sales employees cannot be expected to pay for samples, sales kits, or demonstration products that are used to make a sale. If an employer deducts costs based on these expenses from wages, they can be recovered under the ESA.
To learn more about the legal rights of commission-based sales employees and other areas of employment law, get in touch with the legal professionals at Linley Welwood. We can be reached at 604-850-6640 or through our online contact form.